Saturday, February 26, 2011

F1 Outfit Design

Mr Pres ask me to choose 5 of the preferred design. These are the chosen ones as it represents Proton's Color too.

Please vote via this poll here.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Choose Your F1 Outfit

Salam and Good Day,

It would be best to decide which F1 uniform to be used first then the design. So, Please choose which one is the best outfit for all of us. Please comment this post to choose.

Choose wisely.Please write down the code when commenting. Can't see the code, click on image to enlarge. Thank you.

Best Regards,

Nurfarhana Nasrudin
Faculty of Engineering
B.Eng of Computer and Communication Systems Engineering
Universiti Putra Malaysia

Thursday, January 6, 2011

PROTON Scholars Tshirt

Latest update on design changes for PROTON Scholars Tees

Nurfarhana Nasrudin
Faculty of Engineering
B.Eng of Computer and Communication Systems Engineering
Universiti Putra Malaysia

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