Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Teambuilding Yayasan Proton (by Mr Badrulsham)

Hello all...
The last weekend at Awana Genting Resort, was a new experience for me. I worked with a group 
of young and intelligent malaysian students under the Yayasan Proton Scholar Project. These bright 
and smart teeagers are still in their strudy progress and after they completed their study, those eligible 
will join Proton. During the program they underwent outdoor adventures and obstacles to close the
 relationship gap between them. In my session, they went through a seminar on personal effectiveness and
 an appreciation of customer service dynamics. Business culture warrants these youngsters to understand 
very early about good people skills and customer service. The concept introduces them to the paradym of
 internal and external customer. The intergartion of a Malaysian culture is the essence of doing and achieving a
 successful and profitable business.
The "team process challenge" which resembles an activity of passing differents kinds of balls and sizes to the 
others in the team sadly did not produce any winning teams! A simple but yet challenging task...failed because 
of inexperience and poor team dynamics.
And we saw these lack of teamwork and creativity again at the 'bombsquad' challenge where only one team 
managed to bring out and defused one bomb! 1 out of 7 bombs is all they can do. Again we saw the reasons
 for failures of the other teams as lacking teamwork and good leadership plus the lack of creativity of problem 
Nevertheless after the sessions, we saw some saw the need to review their progress charts about completing
the remaining study and prepare for a new challenge! Personal advice were shared with a few participants on 
possible methods of planning and implementation of tasks.
Sincere appreciations goes to Pn Adilah, En Razali and Pn Norita for the support during the program.

I stumble upon it at Mr Badrulsham's blog. Mr Badrulsham, if you want me to remove this post, pls do tell.
 Sorry, I couldn't ask for your permission since I have no Windows Live ID.


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Video Awana Genting

ni sedikit video y sempat dibuat smasa mlm y ke-2 d awana....


This is for IIUM students only.

As well known, IIUM result is already come out. Since i dont have all of your numbers, so please update to me yout hp number, and sent your result exam to me, so i can sent it to YP by hand.
Your result will be fully confidential.

Thank you.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Awana Genting - Teambuilding

It was great. It was fun and enjoyable with the abseiling,rock climbing, treasure hunt and the likes. Board of Governors; Dato' Syed Zainal, Datuk Zaleha, Datuk Jaffar Indot, Tn Hj Jabbar, En. Tajuddin, and we have Pn. Hasnah too during the saturday and sunday.

As for motivation from En. Badrulsham Mansor for Value Add session (correct me if I'm wrong), 7 habits of highly effective people, hopefully we will be more proactive, begin with the end in mind, first think first, think win-win situation, understand people so people will understand you, more synergy in our doing and last but not least try to 'sharpen the saw'. Sunday, there's Airborne Discovery motivator really help us to become more 'cemerlang' as a person and as student.

It was great weekend, with a lot of interactions with our coordinator Pn. Adila, Pn. Norita, En. Razali, and HR team,L&D team, and high level management.

Thanks to Datuk Jaafar for having a moment with us on friday night, interact with us and understanding us YP scholars. He's REALLY here to help us scholars, so TAKE THAT OPPORTUNITY GUYS!

As with Pn. Hasnah Ismail's consent, we have our YP Scholar Committee. For more info, please Ara to include that organization in this blog.

Lastly, thanks to Mr. Najib, Mr. Zul, Mr. Saiful, and Mr Faizul for the activities (abseiling(s), rock climbing, archery,treasure hunt,games) that we have in Awana.


p/s add your opinion guys and add more of what we've gained. Hopefully next time semua dapat datang. To new scholars, welcome aboard, Proton rocks ye tak?


Salam and good day...

enjoy the pictures...

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