Saturday, February 28, 2009

to whom it may concerns (^_^)

salam and good day~

actually i have one assignment untuk baca holy book mcm kt bawah ni:

1. buddhism- the lotus sutra
2. hinduism- bahgarad ghita
3. sikhism-guru granth sahib

kn cari view these holy book with regards to moderation value.

so, anyone can give any link to these resources?


posted by mida~

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Awal feb 2009, PROTON wat BICARA MPV for all PROTON'S staff. N they also launched the MPV tp kat proton jer.. yg sronoknye when u work in proton, u will be the first person to know abt proton's new car... Rin da tgk MPV EXORA tu.. For me, EXORA cantik n luas. Suitable for sape2 yg ada adik beradik ramai.. bole suh emak ayah beli EXORA.. n the interior n exterior very nice... x saba nak tunggu launching on early april.. hope proton will success with the new MPV EXORA.. Hebat PROTON!!!!!! ^_^

Best Regardz,
Nurshazarina -RIN-

Penjelasan nama MPV EXORA

Any comment~~~

kalu nk tgk ngn jelas, klik kat article nh..[ainun]

Nurshazarina -RIN-

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


"need some feedback"-posted by mida..


need some feedback (^_^)

salam and good day~~

currently saya ade wat one research; MARRIGE. IS IT A GAMBLE????

so, need some feedback and comments from everyone..
perhaps before friday.

TQ in advance

Monday, February 23, 2009


Hurm, nmpknya..ada yg nak post, tp, termasuk dlm draft...

ada yang nak uplaod video burung dan sangkar, tapi, upload speednya sangat lambat.
jadi, kalu nak upload, better upload ke youtube dan publishkan linknya di sini.

better macam tu la.
sebab, saya sendiri pon cuba untuk upload video, tapi, memg lambat.


Sunday, February 22, 2009


posted by ~ainun~

layout blog dah saya edit skit..
so how..?

ke cm serabut..?
@ok ja..

comment plizzzz...

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Pasal MPV baru tuh

by ~izzuan a.k.a cot~

rtu aku de baca lam paper ckap pmilihan nma MPV bru tuh x ikot syarat pertandingan...
org tuh ckap nma yg dipilih Proton Exora tuh dipilih berdasarkan nma bunga Ixora sdangkan dlam syarat pertandingan ckap xleh pkai nma bunga2an nih (org kt paper tuh la yang ckap kn)...
jdi org tuh mebi agak xbpe puas ati lah kot kan...
tapi aku sa sdap gak nma Exora tuh...
Style apa kan...
hahaha kpd sape2 ygt thu leh xplain x psl benda nie....

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

PiTChA pLzZ!!

kpd yg b'kenaan (owg2 yg ade amek gmba mse tyme team building aritu),
tlg la upload gmba2 korg..
kpd ezariq,
pls la upload gmba dr camera chantek u tu ye..
sy amat memerlukan nya..

BaLqiS yg ChuMiL =P

MPV baru!

Posted by~ainun~
MPV baru nh..dah kuar!
any updates??? kat sini pon bulih..
log in kat guna username(email) dan pasword yang sudah diberitahu..
the, clik kat NEW POST, lepas itu, start writing!
lepas tulis...clik PUBLISH POST!
tu ja..
cant wait to hear from you guys..
post la bebnyak..

kepada yg tinggal msg kat BOX tu..tima kasih..ada jugak respon..yang lain..?
sila2 lah..!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Teambuliding FY 2008/2009

Posted BY: ~ainun~
**scholar lain berhak mengubah layout @ title header blog ini.
Voices of Us is from me, so, have any ideas, do tell. Or change it, since you also have the privilege to do so.
**and also, if you want to make the layout more interesting, feel free. I make it blank and plain so that we can redesign it together.

well, as promised, here the blog which been set up to gather all the materials @any updates and yg seangkatan dengannya.

Any scholar or anyone who have the username(the email) and the password, can access to this blog.You can type in @ upload pictures, videos.
Tak puas hati pon boleh jugak menulis di sini. Tetapi, biar logik dan reasonable.

To access the dashboard(place for you to write it the blog @ upload picture etc publish in the blog), just go to and used the email and password that been spread through the emails.
kalau nak saja-saja view tanpa perlu access, pergi ke Boleh tinggal komen anda dan cadangan- cadangan bernas di bahagian COMMENT.

On the right of this page, there also a leave-a-messege box. Just type in your name, email(any email) and write your messege and press ENTER.Done!

below is some of the picture that had been snap by me. Others, who have lots of pictures, do access and upload here. Ezariq specially, kemera gedabaknya sarat dengan gambar-gambar teambuliding kat sana. With better quality. To Mr Razali, have the pleasure to do so too.
We can share it together.

To save the pictures, just right click>Save Image as.
that's all.

Let the pictures speak for itself.

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